Preparing young people with skills for life
Welcome to 1st Kirkham & Wesham Scout Group! Based in the UK, in the West Lancashire village of Wesham, on the Fylde coast, located approximately nine miles east of Blackpool. WE ARE SCOUTS and everyone is welcome here. Every week, we help people aged 4-25 develop skills for life. Are you ready to join the adventure?

4-6 years

6-8 years

8-10½ years

10½-14 years

14-18 years
The Group, part of West Lancashire County and Fylde District, has five Sections, Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Scouts, catering for boys and girls between four and eighteen years of age. The Explorer Scouts Section (Trogz ESU) runs as part of the Group in co-operation with West Lancashire Scout District. Their individual website is here.
The Scout Centre is available to hire 5 days a week, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, subject to availability. There is potential for weekend bookings, when the centre is not being used for Scouting activities. Fees charged are £15 an hour, and can be made by contacting
We have been selected to receive funding from the Co-op Local Community Fund – please sign up your membership!
The age groups are shown below.
Squirrels: 4 to 6 years
Beaver Scouts: 6 to 8 years
Cub Scouts: 8 to 10.5 years
Scouts: 10.5 to 14 years
Explorer Scouts: 14 to 18 years
All sections meet in the 1st Kirkham and Wesham Scout Centre, Church Road, Wesham, PR4 3DR.
Squirrels meet on a Thursday
Beavers meet on a Wednesday
Cubs meet on a Monday
Scouts meet on a Tuesday
Explorer Scouts meet on a Thursday
Unless otherwise stated on the programme. For exact times please contact: